Harvard B School Grad Sam Barai Joined By Harvard Grad Noah Freeman in Insider Trading Arrests

Harvard graduate and former SAC employee Noah Freeman has been charged with insider trading and reports are he has plead guilty and has been cooperating with the FBI in the hopes of a reduced sentence. His charges followed closely, the charges and arrest of Harvard Business School Alum Sam Barai who headed a large hedge fund. Barai is said to have told others involved to shred evidence and this was recorded by the FBI. Freeman was a research analyst for the hedge fun. Before working for SAC, Freeman worked for Brookside Capital (a subsidiary of Boston’s Bain Capital) and then went to work for Sonar Capital and then to SAC. After leaving SAC, he was a teacher at the Winsor School where he taught economics in the history department. It is alleged that Freeman used employees working at an expert networking firm (Primary Global research). He specialized in research and trading in the technology and semiconductor sectors.